Transformative Future: Building Lifelong Friendships in Faith

One of the things I love about our school is the community I have here. I’ve always been told the quote “show me your friends and I’ll show you your future”. At CHESS I am surrounded by other Christian believers and I’ve built friendships that will last a lifetime.
Contagious Learning: Grateful for CHESS

This is our third year at CHESS and the growth we have seen in our children is incredible. They spend their days learning through movement and music and art, learning in nature, memorizing God's word, and being taught academics in a way they really enjoy.
Children all learn differently and CHESS embraces that, teaching all my children in the way they are most receptive. My kids have grown greatly as students, but most importantly, they have grown as people, and I could not be more grateful for CHESS!
Passionate Discipleship: Nurturing Growth in Second Grade

Second grade is a time of big growth and big changes! Academically by choosing CHESS, my son is well on his way in reading and basic math skills. This year, he has advanced his spelling, sentence structure, and speed of math facts. He also really enjoyed getting a taste of school projects like the "Student Timeline" which was all about his life! This was also a big year of sports for him, and our athletic program is amazing! Second grade is such a sweet spot of growth from "little kid" to "big kid" and we couldn't be happier with how CHESS fosters that growth!
Christ-Centered Community: A Place to Belong and Be Loved

Right from the beginning, CHESS made us feel like we belonged. CHESS's CEO rocked my baby to sleep in the hallway while I volunteered at a Christmas party because she cared. When my husband deployed, the staff constantly asked how they could support me. Fellow parents introduced themselves and set up play dates at the park. My kids made friends who have the same values and built them up. After so many years of feeling disconnected from our community due to constant moves, we felt so grateful to be welcomed in such a generous way by a community so focused on serving and loving our children.